The first scene is very quick to establish the fantasy setting and in the first minuet and a half as we get a brief introduction to most of the main characters as being all talking ponies and giving our main character's name "Princess Twilight Sparkle" which tells the viewer that she has a position of power. The scene also show us that she has recently gained the title by having her feel worried and unsure what to do. The transaction to the main titles is done very nicely by zooming in on her crown and going into a display of shapes and colours with a remix of the theme from the show the film is based on.
During the titles we are introduced to all the main characters with the actors who play them each one with its own special animation that fits the character's personality and ever throwing in the odd pun e.g. "Ashleigh Ball" being appearing on a football. The title sequence also establishes when most of the film is going to be set, an American styled high school.

The scene Introduces a lot of the film characters and establishes the setting and this give the impression that the film is attempting to be a stand alone film so those who have not seen the T.V. show it is based on and follows on from.
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